Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Love Boobies Too....But Let's Be Honest

As you probably know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so you will see a new wave of “I Love Boobies” bracelets and shirts and the new campaign “Boobs Are Rad”.  My mother is a breast cancer survivor and is going on 17 years cancer free this December.  My grandmother was also a breast cancer survivor for going on close to 40 years before she finally passed away of a totally unrelated illness.  I think that the efforts to make people aware of how important early detection is to the survival rate of breast cancer victims is admirable, however, I am tired of hearing how your child cannot support breast cancer awareness by wearing their I Love Boobies bracelet to school.
Remember the pink ribbon campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer?  I do. Who was wearing those ribbons?  Mostly adult women and men who knew someone with breast cancer.  Who is wearing the I Love Boobies bracelets?  Mostly children, teens and young men.  Why?   Because they want to be cool and proclaim their love of boobies in public.
You and I are not idiots so why do we pretend we are? All across America people pretend that we are fighting for our rights to freedom of speech because someone objected to the bracelets our children are wearing to school.  But I don’t agree with the rulings and I will tell you why.   I have some startling news for you: Your 14 year old son isn’t wearing his I Love Boobies bracelet to school to remind his teachers that they need to get regular breast exams to catch cancer early.  He is wearing the bracelet to tell all his friends that he really loves boobies.
If you want to fight for rights of free speech, why use lies?  Why not just say “My son loves boobies and I think he should have the right to wear this bracelet to school telling you so.”  Now, don’t go off on me yet, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH FREEDOM OF SPEECH  I am just so tired of hearing the crap about buying the bracelet and wearing it to support breast cancer.  Sorry, but if you listen to teens talk and watch some of the body language that goes along with showing their bracelets you will see what a farce this statement is.
 Don’t make a mockery of our legal system.  I agree in the rights of freedom of speech and if your son loves boobies so much he should be allowed to say he does.  Don’t pretend he is wearing that bracelet to raise our awareness of breast cancer.
Besides, in case you never bothered to check, the money you paid for that bracelet isn’t going to help breast cancer research or even to help women struggling financially with their bills while undergoing cancer treatment.   I know, the store clerk told you the proceeds were going to help breast cancer but they aren’t.  If you look at the most recent financials available for Keep A Breast, the company behind the I Love Boobies bracelets, you will find that they don’t support breast cancer research.  Their whole goal is an awareness campaign and they are raking in the funds with millions of bracelets sold. 
So, it is great that you love boobies. I have a pair I am fond of myself and want to keep.  I am even glad that you have the freedom of speech to wear these, but please stop pretending that you are wearing and buying this paraphernalia because you are supporting finding a cure for breast cancer. If all you are doing is wearing the bracelet, you aren’t doing anything except proclaiming your love of boobies.  The money from the bracelets is not going to help find that cure, or even help women undergoing breast cancer treatment with their bills. 
And yes, I agree that our teens should have freedom of speech so they should be allowed to wear their I Love Boobies bracelets to school, but don’t make a mockery of our freedoms by pretending they wear these bracelets to raise our awareness of breast cancer only.  As a nation we should not be so dumb!
And these are things we should know…..SM

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. I can't even imagine what they could with scrotal exams "check my balls?" You're right. It's using the American Marketing Engine to pimp out a good cause. Sad. I can get it when Kim Kardashian wants to whore it up on the TV so she can roll in more cash including her future divorce settlement, but I think when it comes to charities, it's not about popularity, it's about heart and the heart comes from nearly everyone who in some way was touched by breast cancer through a friend or loved one.
